Chicken Update: More Bleak News

So we now think that huddling/cold chicks have nothing to do with the deaths we are experiencing. (Yes, that’s present tense. There are more chicks dying out in the A-frame right now.) Please think of us as we try to figure out what disease this might be, and how we should respond.

It causes both relief and anxiety – knowing that it probably wasn’t my fault that the chicks died/are dying. On one hand, I am somewhat absolved of responsibility for their suffering. On the other hand, now we have no idea what this is, and no way to stop it yet. I don’t know how many we’ll lose, or to what lengths we will need to go to save them.

I’m pretty sure we’re not ordering hatchery chicks ever again. If we get through this, we will eat eggs and meat from chickens we can produce on this farm, or other small farms we trust. I’m so tired and confused and heartbroken tonight.

2 thoughts on “Chicken Update: More Bleak News

  1. OH NO! What is going on? Why are they dying? how many have you lost?

    I’ll pray that the rest stay alive and that something is figured out soon. I can ask my vet friends, if you want?

    double boo.

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